5 Marketing Tasks for Today

Marketing your small business does not have to be complicated or difficult. The work can sometimes be tedious, but that is true of all tasks related to running a small business well.

At Flywheel Marketing, we do believe organic growth is the best path for a strong brand presence online. Strategies for organic growth are focused on consistent, daily tasks over a period of time that produce better long term results. 

With that in mind, we work with clients to create sustainable habits of posting, commenting, engagement and writing. Yes, having a blog with consistent posting is beneficial for organic growth online. According to an article from Hubspot, “Blogging can help you optimize your site for important Google ranking factors like organic click-through rate, index coverage, backlinks, and internal links.” Read the full article here. Because the algorithms crawl over text without regard to followers or readers, adding a blog with consistent posts can be beneficial to small businesses. Additionally, that blog provides content to share on social media linking back to your website.

Let’s look at 5 things you can do today to market your business online for free. If you’ve got 30 minutes or an hour, set a timer and see how many of these tasks you can get done.

  1. Post on social media (Facebook, Instagram)

  2. Post on Google Business Profile

  3. Read over your website and add 5 relevant keywords for SEO

  4. Take a minute to go LIVE on Instagram

  5. Comment on 5-10 posts for engagement

Post on social media

Posting on social media regularly helps with new followers and engaging with current followers. Most users of social media seek connection with the businesses and individuals they follow. Find out why your followers follow you. Start to ask questions in stories seeking a true response. Keep seeking engagement. Posting content on both platforms is beneficial because you can reach two different audiences. 

Post on Google Business Profile

A Google Business Profile reaches a third audience. Use the same content to “add an update” to a business profile with an action button to call or message your business. These photos or videos will become part of GBP that people seeking a business like yours can find. Engagement on GBP is beneficial as well.

Read over your website and add 5 relevant keywords for SEO

Optimizing your website for SEO is essential to organic growth. This process is also a long term strategy that may take 3-6 months before results are visible. The goal of SEO is to move your website up in organic search results because your website contains the most searched keywords related to the product or service you provide. Keyword changes are not a daily task. This strategy should be updated on your website every 6-9 months in conjunction with information from your Google Business Profile. Each month GBP will email the top 3 search terms used when people find your website. This helps guide your SEO strategy, but by itself is not enough. Consistently updating your website with new keywords that are high volume and low competition is necessary. Take a few minutes today to identify 5 high volume, low competition keywords and add them in your website copy.

Take 5 minutes and go LIVE on Instagram

Going live on Instagram can be overwhelming. It creates feelings of vulnerability and awkwardness for some people. According to Marketing Charts, “about one-third (32%) say they follow a brand to connect with people similar to themselves.” Social media users seek connection with people and brands they follow. Instagram Live is a great way to create connections and share a bit about yourself. Use it as an opportunity to introduce yourself. Take 2-3 minutes to explain who you are, why you started your business, what your passion is, and what you love about social media. Share a picture of your dog, your plants, your favorite hobby or something else that allows users and followers to get a glimpse into the parts of your life you are confident in sharing. 

Comment on 5-10 posts for engagement

Take 5 minutes or less and comment on other posts to engage with other creators. Answer a question that is asked, congratulate someone on an achievement, or just post that you love what they’re doing. Be positive, be friendly and be encouraging. Engagement is valuable for lots of reasons. Other people see your comments and see that you’re engaging. Other people see your comments and see that you add value or information to the conversation. Finally, your comments encourage another brand or personality on social media.

If you take the time, completing each of these tasks takes about 1 hour total. Whatever amount of time you have, set a timer and get to work. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish with focus and discipline. Each of these tasks paves the way for stronger brand presence online which results in organic, long term growth. 

At Flywheel, we offer a lot of education and information because we love what we do. We want to see our followers and our clients succeed. We would love to work with you on brand strategy to help your business grow organically. Click the button for a free consultation to learn about the Flywheel Marketing approach. 


Post a Google Update - and How Often to Post


4 Free Ways to Market Your Small Business